Running a fashion business has its ups and downs. There are definitely some less-than-sexy aspects to it behind the scenes. Inventory management can be a hassle and some business owners find it easier to just make a spreadsheet and keep track of everything themselves.
The problem with this method is eventually the counts and volume of business is going to outpace your custom sheet. Location tracking, transfers, and purchasing become a pain. Doing it all yourself, takes time and leads to costly errors.
If you've reached the point where you have inventory, multiple vendors, have trade shows that you attend and have eCommerce.. you may want to think about investing in a cloud-based inventory solution. One that can track inventory, orders, and expenses.
Inventory management solutions like Order Time allow you to create bundles, which can be dynamic. Depending on if an item within a kit goes out of stock, you can have that item dynamically replaced with a substitute and keep selling!
More about bundling
Do you have items of a same type, in a matrix of 4 colors and 5 sizes?
How about different patterns, sizes, and lengths?
Order Time inventory can handle this with ease due to its built-in Style Editor. You create a style, add the variations and then just add the style to an order. Create all the attributes that make sense for your business and then populate them with as many selections as you use. Ex. Attribute: Color or Size / Selection: Blue or XXL
Once you have saved the chosen styles, your Sales Order will reflect your selection. It will itemize each of the selections made and categorized them depending on the style given.
Access real-time inventory information by implementing custom labels and bar codes on inventory items. This allows for continual updating of styles and sizes on hand, and it provides a basis for comparison when conducting a physical inventory count. Bar codes also facilitate sales discounts and price checks. Order Time inventory provides the industry standard in order management for Fashion companies.
More about labels & bar codes
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