While many things appear to be uncertain during this pandemic, one thing remains constant - the need for food. Many businesses have worried about their role in the midst of COVID-19, but the food industry has found great success in providing customers with safe, food options while staying at home.
The uprising of the Coronavirus has served many challenges for businesses and individuals on many levels, from economic to procedural. The fast spread required the food industry to innovate and adapt at record speed while keeping up stock levels to serve customers across the country and globe. By positioning themselves to meet consumer needs during the pandemic, the food industry has become stronger, better, and more efficient than ever before.
Why Food Companies Are Doing So Well
Stay at home orders have posed threat to restaurants and bars, but people still need to eat. Packaged food companies like Kraft Heinz, Kellogg’s, Nabisco, and countless others’ profits have thrived during the pandemic. Consumers have found comfort in knowing that their favorite home brands will be there for them while everything else seems uncertain.
Retail grocery stores have stocked shelves full of pre-packaged meals, frozen vegetables, and all other nonperishable goods that consumers need. Sales have dramatically increased for many legacy, well known brands, such as Campbell Soup’s 25.6% sale increase within this short period of time.
Many trusted brands can provide consumers with a sense of normalcy around the world by working to deliver great products. Large companies have also worked to give back to employees who have been working on the front line of COVID19 by awarding bonuses, additional leave time, and pay for families affected by the virus.
Companies and restaurants have also had to adapt to contactless services. Online ordering, produce delivery services, and remote grocery shopping have gained popularity while individuals practice social distancing. Many fast food chains have kept drive-thru lanes open to keep business convenient, contactless, and careful. Delivery services such as GrubHub and Uber Eats have partnered with hundreds of restaurants to reach customers and keep business open to prevent a major decrease in sales.
These difficult times have changed the way of the world, businesses and people alike. Large food companies have proved that it is crucial to stay together and unite for a changed future - 6 feet apart.
Inventory Control and Order Management
As consumer demands for food staples at home rise, production levels have drastically increased. Consumers are stocking up on foods with long shelf lives which require manufacturing and production measures, inventory control, and order management.
With the progression of the pandemic manufacturers have had to expedite production levels to effectively and efficiently meet all retail grocery store demands to reach the end consumer.
Production safety and health precautions are the key to keeping up with the needs of the public.
To do this, food companies profiting during the pandemic and their small packaged foods need a solution for inventory control and order management. Keeping orders organized, systematic, and controlled can be made simple with an automated inventory management platform, such as Order Time.
Lot and Serial Number Tracking
With such large production orders coming in, it is crucial to keep track of when your inventory is coming in and where it is going to better serve your customers. Syncing all this data in one place to be readily available with Order Time allows you to track each moving part with ease.
A serial number is the individualized identification number assigned to each unit produced, found on the packing or on the unit itself. The stock keeping unit, SKU, is a unique serial number that serves as a product identifier in production. The identification number assigned to a batch of a product from a manufacturer is the lot number. This makes tracking batches of goods throughout the production cycle simple and uniform.
Order Time gives you access to managing the entire production process, from tracking work orders to costing and scheduling. With constant access to raw material or component usages, you can make the most of your product to minimize cost and increase profits.
High production management is made easy with the work order and disassembly functions, which help allocate the materials to begin production and keep it moving. These features also help build assemblies in which you can modify components for each finished product.
Getting your product to the retailer or end consumer is your ultimate goal, so why not make it simple and flawless using Order Time’s integrations. As a key feature in all software, Order Time makes sure the transition from factory to front door is efficient and seamless.
Integrating with ShipStation allows you to deliver your goods simply while syncing sales and all tracking numbers with the click of a button. With this all relevant customer and item information is compiled, then the shipment label is created along with a tracking number. The status is updated accordingly and easily trackable - it’s just that simple.
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