When we set out to create a cloud platform for inventory control and order management. We were looking for the aspects that would best help our customers excel. You wanted Order Management, CRM, and Inventory Control. You wanted it designed for every sort of niche, so we've added style editors, label creation, customized fields, kitting and assemblies. You wanted to manufacture products, act as a wholesale distributor, perform e-commerce & web retail or ALL three! As a company that's been around for around 20 years, all of this knowledge had been added to our desktop program, All Orders. Our job was to transfer that knowledge and build upon it for our cloud platform, Order Time. Order Time just hit its 1-year launch anniversary! We're proud to showcase our first year additions.
Order Time provides a full solution to tracking inventory and managing all of your incoming orders! We've stayed on the cutting edge of traceability for products, components, parts and ingredients. Whether you are making a batch of combined parts or creating a concoction out of multiple ingredients, you can follow the entire process back to the first steps. This will allow you to identify problems and avoid total recall.
Your business needs a customizable inventory solution. One of our biggest strengths is the ability to customize our platform directly to your business. What works for a Food & Beverage manufacturer isn't necessarily going to be useful to a fashion & apparel retailer. That's why Order Time Inventory was created with customization built into its core. Every list, details page, drop-down menu, and report can be completely customized to fit your needs. Custom fields can be designed for each section that can include calculations. Have a special way you'd like inventory flagged? Want to give approval before shipping? You can do that and more.
Our customers in fashion, apparel and luxury goods really enjoyed the addition of our Style Editor.
Do you have items of a same type, in a matrix of 4 colors and 5 sizes?
How about different patterns, sizes, and lengths?
Order Time inventory can handle this with ease due to its built-in Style Editor. You create a style, add the variations and then just add the style to an order. Create all the attributes that make sense for your business and then populate them with as many selections as you use. Ex. Attribute: Color or Size / Selection: Blue or XXL
Once you have saved the chosen styles, your Sales Order will reflect your selection. It will itemize each of the selections made and categorized them depending on the style given.
Access real-time inventory information by implementing custom labels and bar codes on inventory items. This allows for continual updating of styles and sizes on hand, and it provides a basis for comparison when conducting a physical inventory count. Bar codes also facilitate sales discounts and price checks. Order Time inventory provides the industry standard in order management for your company.
Manufacturing, machining, and industrial applications have been increasing all year. Order Time's production tab is flush with Work Orders, Bills of Material (BoM), Assemblies and Kitting. We even have some companies using Work Orders for seed to sale, including companies selling grass seed and farming implements. Be sure to check out our Helpful Resources below for links to all of these topics.
It's been one year since we launched our platform and we couldn't be happier. We've affected our customers and helped them to grow their businesses in over 50 industries. We scale with your company so that you can achieve your goals. Thank you for helping us achieve ours!
We will continue to play to our strengths so that we can have another amazing year, thank you for your support.
Helpful Resources:
• Bill of Materials for Food & Beverage Manufacturers
• Lot & Serial Number: Tracking + Accountability
• Live on Order Time: Custom Label Printing
• Avoid Total Recall - Traceability for Food & Beverage Manufacturers
• Manufacturing: What is MRP?
• Latest Release Notes: Order Time Inventory
We're always adding new Features, so if you have one you can't live without, let us know using the Contact Us Form.For more information check out our Order Time Cheat Sheet.
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